
Showing posts from July, 2019

Chinguacousy Lodge in Brampton

On Monday, July 22, I (along with Christian Giles, PM, The Beaches Lodge and Eric Boyce, SW, The Beaches Lodge) travelled to Brampton to attend a banquet and an emergent meeting of Chinguacousy Lodge No. 738 - called "Grand Lodge Night", an annual event. The guest speaker was Right Worshipful Brother Skip Whiteley, who was initiated into our gentle craft in 1967, was installed in the chair of King Solomon in Zetland Lodge in 1978, and in 1982 was elected District Deputy Grand Master. I met RWBro Whiteley when I joined the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Valley of Toronto. By then he had already been coroneted honourary Inspector General 33°, Supreme Council of Canada, in 1992 and was elected - at the 133rd annual session of Supreme Council held in Ottawa in 2007 - Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33° and remains to this day an active member of the Scottish Rite. In addition to many committees, he has served 9 years on the board of the Masonic Foundation of On...

Grand Senior Warden 2019-2020

I joined Freemasonry in 2005 and on July 17 - a few days ago - it was announced that I had won the election for the office of Grand Senior Warden. Since being invested, and closing Grand Lodge last week, I have now bought a new tuxedo (with tails) and ordered my new regalia. The next year will see me criss-crossing the province, along with other Grand Lodge officers and the Grand Master, Most Worshipful David J. Cameron, visiting many lodges, talking with many brethren, while also attending many social events and official functions. Prior to being elected, I was often asked why I wanted to spend so much time away from my family, and spend so much money on the road if I were to win, and the answer was based on inspiration. Soon after joining my lodge, The Beaches Lodge, I delivered a brief presentation to a group of Masons who chaired the Long Range Planning Committee in each of their respective lodges in Toronto East District. Shortly thereafter I was asked to provide a similar ...