Copestone Lodge in Fonthill

A trip up the Niagara Escarpment with RWBro Mark Kapitan, GJW, on this Thursday, March 12, to visit Copestone Lodge 373 in Fonthill turned out to be our last - sadly - before all Masonic meetings were cancelled the next day due to the Corona Virus (COVID19) which has effectively shut down most of the world's public activities. On this evening, in fact the OV of RWBro John Newton, DDGM Niagara 'B', I was able to present the short article written by RWBro Wallace McLeod, when he chaired the Education Committee, titled The Banner of Grand Lodge. Joining us, much to my surprise, in lodge was one of my early mentors and inspirations, RWBro Alan Donovan. As an EA about 15 years ago, while he was DDGM, I had the pleasure of golfing one fine day with him - without knowing what titles really were - and he explained so many things of relevance over those 18 holes, and I went on to meet with him again and produce a promotional and informative video for the York Rite called Fervancy...