Coronation Lodge in Elmvale

For about fifteen years, members from various districts descend on Elmvale (halfway between Barrie and Wasaga Beach) to visit Coronation Lodge No 466 and enjoy a degree team that comprises past and current Grand Lodge officers. Last night I was sitting in the West and helped to raise a young Fellowcraft, Bro Andrew Robert, who was well-prepared and will enjoy his Masonic career after such a stellar lift-off, that was also witnessed by the Grand Master, MW Bro David J. Cameron, and Past Grand Master, Ronald Groshaw, as well as Georgian North's DDGM, and a fine array of men who volunteered their time to provide a great piece of ritual from start to finish. In the category of Loudest Knocks of the Masonic year 2019-2020, the award would certainly be earned thus far by the tandem of VW Bro Bill Edmonds (IG) and RW Bro Clark Winters (OG). There was a beef BBQ - with proceeds going toward the District Charity - made complete with a plentiful side offering of beans, held before lod...