Muskoka Lodge in Bracebridge

Every once in a while you find out about a special evening, and this past Friday night on August 16 WBro Steve Spence drove to my place, then together we drove up to meet RWBro Mark Kapitan in King City to then as a trio drive onward to Bracebridge. We arrived after a few hours of engaging conversation while on the road in plenty of time to enjoy a pre-lodge meal before being properly lined up prior to entering, properly presented and offered our respective chairs, which were politely declined. The Grand Junior Warden and I sat in the East.

On this special evening indeed, while attending Muskoka Lodge No. 360 on the occasion of their 49th Annual Visitors Night (which began when vacationing members who were in the Muskokas enjoyed a meeting before departing for their homes after a relaxing summer at the cottage) a candidate, Mr McIntyre, was then initiated by his Father, who had assumed the gavel, with his Grandfather sitting as IPM. The DDGM, RWBro R Meadows, also attended, as did many members from quite a number of different districts, and many did the requisite work impeccably.

Sidebar: This meeting I was proudly wearing the GSW regalia loaned to me by RWBro Mel Duke, which has been also worn previously by four others similarly in my shoes, waiting for new regalia to be delivered.

Muskoka Lodge, which now meets at the Bracebridge Masonic Temple, was originally chartered in 1877, and initially were part of Toronto District. The first Master was W. Bro. I. Huber.


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