Beach Lodge in Stoney Creek

I was invited to visit Beach Lodge No 639 by my travelling sidekick, our GJW, RWBro Mark Kapitan, and on this evening at the temple in Stoney Creek the brethren were initiating a new member. It was an evening to sit back and enjoy the show. Beach Lodge has a storied history (as - come to think of it - most lodges do) and I presented the lapel pin to the candidate at the conclusion of the degree, and adorning the pin centrally beneath the S&C is a lighthouse, a reminder of their humble beginnings, meeting originally on the strip of beach adjacent to the waterfront. Very active in the district and vibrant, next month the lodge will initiate another Mason, albeit in their new home in Burlington.
As was pointed out to me by the GJW, "The Strip was called Burlington Beach back then yet was still in the Hamilton Masonic Districts. We moved from the Beach Blvd in 1971 and went to the Building on Brant Street for 10 years having many PM's still involved from both moves. Then, there was a move to the Stoney Creek Temple for 38 years where older members of Beach had been involved in the actual building of this structure. Now, we are back to the Brant Street Temple, as a Lodge. We define a Lodge as a group of Brethren, not a building... So, we are strong and full of life, this is just a hiccup in our Masonic Journey as Beach Boys."

And, based on my conversations, the Beach Boys are looking forward to their continued growth and success for many more years to come, especially as they approach their centenary in 2025.


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