Coronati Lodge in Whitby

Last night, I was in Whitby (my old hometown) to attend the Installation of the WM and the investiture of the Officers of Coronati Lodge No 520 for the ensuing Masonic Year. A twist. Prior to admitting visitors, I together with RWBro Maher Eid and RWBro Robert Kliaman - both Past Grand Senior Wardens - were quickly admitted into lodge without ceremony, each adorned with the apron of a FC, in order to act as Scrutineers and properly oversee the election of WBro James Ignacio for the position of Secretary of the lodge, which he won. I loved the spontaneity. After declaring the results, we then retired downstairs for a few minutes of conversation prior to the pre-lodge banquet, where I had an opportunity to chat leisurely with Past Grand Secretary and Past Grand Master, MWBro Terry Shand, who was there to participate in the Installing Board - at the invitation of Installing Master, VWBro Gary Rhodes.

WBro Lochinvar Cachuela was successfully installed as WM of Coronati Lodge, along with the newly invested officers - with no PMs in the progressive chairs. Before closing , sincere congratulations - and a certificate - were proudly extended to WBro Algene Etac, IPM, for his contributions while in the East. This was the first Installation in Toronto East District for our DDGM, RWBro Gil Carreiro, who was joined by many other esteemed brethren, including MWBro Ronald Groshaw PGM, and RWBro Danny Laws, DDGM Georgian North District, who was originally initiated into Coronati Lodge, as well as RWBro Andrew McLelland, PGSW, who sat in the West during the Installation and Investiture ceremony.

As written by VWBro. Ervin Aspiras, in the year of the lodge's centenary, "the Lodge had its ups and downs. In 2005, it considered amalgamating with another lodge. However, with the influx of new younger members during that time the Lodge rose up again into a very active lodge. In 2006, Coronati Lodge received the Lodge of the Year Award from the Toronto 4 District. Last year, Coronati Lodge received two notable distinctions: The M.W. Bro. Terrence Shand Award (2012-2013) presented to the Lodge which best exemplifies Masonic Principles within the community; and The M.W. Bro. C. Edwin Drew Award (2012-2013) presented to the Lodge which best exemplifies Masonic principles within the craft."

In lodge last night, there were 5 EAs awaiting advancement. The lodge is doing very well these days.


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