St Andrews in Madoc

On Friday, September 20, RWBro Kapitan and I had quite a road trip, and were able to share many stories, beginning in Bowmanville where we met and travelled together to Madoc in order to visit St Andrew's Lodge No 497 on the occasion of the Official Visit (his first of the year) of Frontenac District's DDGM, RWBro Bernie MacLean. There was no degree work this evening, but an incredibly well-researched and well-written piece of Masonic Education presented by VWBro Garnet Holmes, who is apparently famous among the district's brethren for delivering many such pieces.

After lodge was closed, and after much friendly discussions were held, we went downstairs to the banquet room and enjoyed home-made chili and beef stew (and a draw, which I did not win) before getting back on the road.

According to the DDGM, Frontenac Masonic District is made up of hundreds of Freemasons from 14 different Lodges covering an area from Napanee in the west through Kingston to Gananoque in the east and north to Sharbot Lake and Madoc. Freemasonry in our area has a rich and important history which goes back before Confederation.


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