Temple Lodge in London

On September 17, I visited Temple Lodge No 597 to watch the ceremony of Lowering The Lights, which was solemn, as it was in fact the last meeting for Temple Lodge, which had formed 98 years ago shortly after The Great War had concluded. The Grand Master, MWBro David Cameron, was also joined in the East by Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary, MWBro Garry Dowling, as well as the DDGM for London East District, our Grand Director of Ceremonies, Grand Chaplain, Grand Registrar and Grand Junior Warden.
The subject of shutting down a lodge forever, and going dark, is still controversial among the brethren in general, but in this case, as was told to me by a Past Master this evening, they had indeed enjoyed initiating quite a few EAs over the past several years, but these men had accepted employment outside of London and thus simply could no longer attend meetings regularly or, most crtiically, commit to the responsibilities of an officer of the lodge. The members, after much discussion, thus chose to voluntarily surrender their warrant and assets to Grand Lodge.

As provided by the London Masonic Association on their website: "The year was 1918 and stirring news from the battle fronts and hints that the signing of a peace was imminent were beginning to be heard. In a quieter way word was going around the London Masonic circles that a new Lodge was being considered. Although the name “Temple” was adopted it is not clear how or why this name was chosen. It seems to have come by a silent agreement for all those dedicated men who felt that they had something special to offer Freemasonry. 

Dispensation was granted on 20th January, 1922 to operate “UD” until a charter was issued. This occurred on 19th July 1922 under the seal of the Grand Lodge. The original bylaws used were those of Union Lodge No. 380, until a set of their own could be prepared. 

Interesting Jottings. Of note are the recording of visitors were from not only Canada, the United States and Britain but also the Indian Empire, when a brother brought greetings from Alexandra Lodge No. 1065, and delivered a loyal speech on behalf of India. This Worshipful Brother later became a member by affiliation. Again, thinking of loyalty, in February 1924, the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge party saluted the Imperial Standard on the left of the Senior Warden’s dais “establishing a precedent in demonstrative patriotism”. 

In September 1924 a R. W. Brother from Nova Scotia stated that the first overseas Lodge in the British Empire was formed in Annapolis Royal by the 40th Regiment of Foot, and that the Charter was received from Lord Cornwallis. He also spoke of a visit he made to New York City where he was shown the Lodge V.S.L. containing a picture of King George III upon which General George Washington took the Oath as First President of the United States of America. 

During the early years, joint installations of the ten London Lodges were held in the auditorium of the Queen’s Avenue Temple, and these installations seemed to have met with success, and with mutual benefit. Matters of expense are also interesting during this period. The Lodge Seal cost $13.06. The banquet at the Constitution and Consecration ceremonies cost $120.00. Of the monthly accounts presented, expenditures for cigars appear with great regularity in amounts of $2.24, $4.00, $9.45, $14.25 $26.00, $22.50 and higher. Temple Lodge had its own choir, and this was added to by a new brother who had a rich bass voice and played a ukulele. 

On 6th April 1934 the “Temple Minstrels”, delighted 750 Masons, their wives, sweethearts friends and families at an indoor picnic in the auditorium of the Masonic Temple. Following the war years, Grand Lodge made arrangements to forward 600 food parcels a month for Masonic families in Britain. Each parcel cost $7.94 and contained 20 lb. Of food. Grand Lodge advised that 12 tons of food could be sent a month and that $93.000 had been received from the Lodges in the five months following its inception. R. W. Bro. G. F. Kingsmill was organiser for the London District."


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