Tuscan Lodge in Hamilton

While driving down the QEW to Hamilton on the way to the Tuscan Lodge "Silver to Gold" centenary ceremony on Thursday, I passed by a car that had only just flipped over as the emergency vehicles were still arriving on the scene, a solemn reminder of how things can change in an instant. I did, however, arrive on time. After the ceremony had concluded, the Grand Master offered his insight with respect to change - and how a century ago, at the conclusion of WW1, society was changing. The men who joined lodges and especially those who created new ones, such as Tuscan Lodge No 551, certainly enjoyed the lessons of 'social and moral virtue' they were learning and happily passed along them to the next generation.

The evening was dignified. Each of the officers proudly received their new gold-braided regalia respectively from their WM, WBro Harry Zulerons, who himself was quite awestruck by the proceedings, ably assisted by the Grand Chaplain, RWBro Dan Graham - while I along with our GJW, RWBro Mark Kapitan, sat in the East in front of the backdrop (see photo) of the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Hamilton.

The Worshipful Master also on this evening presented a 50 Year Pin to a member who, prior to the banquet (presided over by RWBro Larry Hinkley), I had had the pleasure of amicably chatting with over a pint of Guinness in the Scottish Rite Club about his path in Masonry, and the many men he had met over the decades and the experience they had shared together, many who were gone but definitely not forgotten, and quite a few who welcomed him back into lodge, since he now lived in Fort Erie and admitted was only able to visit his lodge once a year, and this was one such occasion.

As well, IPM WBro Jason W Longe was formally presented a letter by the Grand Master, MWBro David Cameron, and the DDGM RWBro Scott Laing, from MWBro Paul Todd recognising his exceptional service while sitting for two consecutive years in the East and successfully chairing the centenary committee. An evening done well. Congratulations to all.


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