Scottish Rite in Toronto

Last night I visited my illustrious brethren of the Toronto Valley in order to relax and watch the 4th Degree - the Secret Master - and to say hello to friends from other districts as well. At the conclusion is a reading from Albert Pike, who wrote: "Of the Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the true definition is this: 'An advance toward the Light; a constant endeavour, in all its degrees, to exalt the Divine that is in man, in his reason and moral sense, and to make it dominant over the human, earthly and material in his nature, his passions and his sensual appetites.' "
The 4th is the first of the degrees in the Lodge of Perfection and, according to their website, these degrees, the 4th through 14th, are called Ineffable Degrees because their principal purpose is the investigation and contemplation of the ineffable name of Deity.


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