Waterloo Lodge in Waterloo

Last night I met up with my sidekick our GJW, RWBro Mark Kapitan, at Hwy 6 and the 401 near Guelph, after taking 2 hours to get there, in order to then drive together into Waterloo (where I attended WLU from 1978 to 1981) to join the Grand Master on his visit to Waterloo Lodge No 539. The brethren, led by MWBro David Cameron, were investing VWBro David Churchill who was appointed Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in July, and also attending and receiving recognition was Grand Director of Ceremonies, RWBro Dan Graham.
What was unique in this visit was noticing upon their walls an encased gavel, and upon closer inspection finding out it was the historic and well-known Kipling Gavel, a gavel given to WBro Snow in 1934, along with a personal and signed note. Also on the wall was an old copy of My Mother Lodge, a poem written by Kipling when he was in India and attended lodge there as a young man.

Courtesy of W Bro David Findlay, in 1972 "Waterloo Lodge joined with three other lodges meeting in Kitchener and Waterloo, and a new Temple was built at 440 Weber St. N., Waterloo. That same year Waterloo Lodge sponsored and initiated Brotherhood Lodge, which became the fifth Lodge in the Temple.

In 1973 under W. Bro. Dr. George Clarke, a new coat of Arms was designed by Bros. Neil Harris and Dr. John Hay and since then has appeared on all Lodge publications. From the centre radiate the superimposed square and compasses, at rest. Above is a pride of five heraldic lions, depicting the five sister Lodges who share the Temple...also reminiscent of Wellington, the Great Lion of Waterloo."


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