Corinthian Lodge in Newmarket

On this evening I proudly sat in the West for the Installation and Investiture of the Officers at Corinthian Lodge 481 in Newmarket, and GJW sat in the South - and it was not snowing when I left tobegin my drive ut it was snowing when I returned, a first snowfall of the year, and this was also to be the last night when I used the borrowed regalia of RWBro Mel Duke. After being duly invested I welcomed the new SW into his chair or a well-deserved 'rest in the west'.
At the head table, I sat next to the WM - soon to be IPM - who told me of a few intriguing books he had read recently, which drew the parallels etween the Craft and Alchemy. It was an enlightening discussion and reminded me of what I had heard years prior when visiting a Rosicrucian meeting.

Per their website: Corinthian Lodge No. 481 G.R.C. celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2007, having been inaugurated on 10 January 1907. The details are not clear, but it seems that the lodge came about as a result of some sort of disagreement in the early months of 1906 among the members of Stevenson Lodge. Apparently the issue was a policy matter, not a personality clash, and discussions on the problem seem to have been cordial. Ultimately a group of brethren from Stevenson Lodge requested the creation of a new Lodge.

After a number of special meetings with Stevenson Lodge, Grand Lodge concurred and agreed to the forming of a new Lodge. A Warrant was duly issued, and Corinthian Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 481 was inaugurated in the Masonic Temple at 801 Yonge Street. Worshipful Brother John Stephens was installed in the chair of King Solomon. That evening there were many supporting Brethren from Stevenson Lodge in attendance, of whom 50 became charter members of the new Lodge. In the years following inauguration, there were many exchange visits between Stevenson and Corinthian Lodges.

The Temple at 801 Yonge Street was the home of Corinthian Lodge for 15 years. During 1907, the first year of service, initiations and affiliations raised the membership to 79. Membership increased over the years, reaching an all-time high of 336 members in 1950. Unfortunately, Stevenson Lodge eventually went dark. In 1970, Corinthian Lodge No. 481 moved to the Richmond Hill Temple at 112 Crosby Street in Richmond Hill. In 1983 the Lodge was moved again to its current address of 411 Millard Avenue, Newmarket.


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