Zeradatha in Uxbridge

Yes, this was a unique night for Zeradatha Lodge. Because it started of with a pre-meeting dinner at a local pub called The Hobby Horse Arms, owned and run by a Mason, and I had the pleasure of sitting with WBro Tim Richardson and sharing stories, due to the fact the lodge's on banquet facilities were rented out for the evening. Following the normal array of toasts and concluding with the JW's traditional toast, we then ventured a minute up the road to the temple. The lodge had een opened prior to dinner and the WM was being returned to the Chair in the East (for a third time), and the IM, WBro Don Kemball, had asked me to sit in the West and also asked RWBro Mark Kapitan to sit in the South and did an excellent job throughout the evening. The first brethren invested were the SW and JW, and the GJW invested the latter, while I invested the former.

Zeradatha Lodge was the very first lodge I visited, while still an EA, and while Zeradatha and The Beaches were still in the same district together, District 3, before the re-alignment took place and Toronto East District was created. Zeradatha is now in York District, and many members, led by recently installed WBro Nitin Pande, from Richardson Lodge were in attendance, also with RWBro Al Dvorak (a member of both Richardson and The Beaches) as IG in the Board. During the ceremony, WBro Tim Richardson was invested as the IG. The ceremony was concluded by a wonderful "duet" featuring RWBro Art DiCecco and VWBro George Poole, who alternated segments to perfection, which was incredibly classy and thoroughly enjoyable.


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